Sexsibility Barazil 2023
Improving Sexual Health and Wellness with Sexsibility Brasil Sexual health and wellness are essential aspects of our lives that often go overlooked. However, it is crucial to address and prioritize
Improving Sexual Health and Wellness with Sexsibility Brasil Sexual health and wellness are essential aspects of our lives that often go overlooked. However, it is crucial to address and prioritize
Do you ever felt like something’s missing in your most intimate relationships but you are not sure what it is? Many times you sense an undercurrent discontentment. Or a communication
Boredom is a depressive state of addiction without a reward and in the absence of happiness. I have been there… Your dopamine receptors want to be gently stimulated and tickled
Do you or your partner suffer from erectile dysfunction? Is erectile dysfunction affecting your sex life? If so, stay tuned as we’ll be talking about the most common causes of
“Relaxed and transformative sexuality Being on the edge and becoming orgasmic “Being on the edge isn’t as safe, but the view is better.” – Ricky Gervais You can compare sex
Interview with Harry Faddis in March 2021 Harry Faddis D.D., C.P.C.C. is programming director of the The Easton Mountain Retreat Center in New York. Harry is the creator of the 3-Minute
The difference between trauma release and re-traumatisation Request a —> Free Professional Mastery Call<— for your unique inquiry. “What is armor after all but a cage that moves with you?
To be human is to feel and experience emotions. If we look at common daily expressions, it’s clear that our sense of touch is intrinsically emotional. Please keep in touch.
Nov 13, 2019 My intention with making this post and its content public—is to put some misleading comments made by Betty Martin, founder of the Wheel of Consent into a
For everybody who like to figure out more about the function of our nervoussystem without reading for years. One minute of video replaces 1,2 mil words. 1 minute of somatic
Request the English Engagement System PDF and Newsletter signup Stay up to date with the latest news and upcoming events and webinars. You can change your mind and unsubscribe at
Request the Russian Engagement System PDF and Newsletter signup Stay up to date with the latest news and upcoming events and webinars. You can change your mind and unsubscribe at
From a Somatic Consent basics workshop in November 2019 in Australia. this course will be available soon as a free online class, and nothing can substitute the lived experience of
I am excited to introduce you to the map of the somatic nervous system and the difference between the direct and indirect route of pleasure. This dynamic has changed my
I would like to introduce you into a different way of thinking, into the meaning and noticing map This video is to help you to get out of your head
This video is about the numbnessbar and mixed feelings map and how emotional intelligence and competency fits into the somatic consent engagement system to express what we really want and
I have been studying the Polyvagal Theory by Dr Stephen Porges since 2013. With the following idea in mind from Albert Einstein – if you can’t explain it simply you
How can sexuality be lived in a fulfilling, harmonious way? In this interview, I talked with Matthias Schwenteck (www.uniquetantra.com), experts on the topic. We cover the “Wheel of consent”, the
This is an interview back in 2017 from Dr. Vera Ludvig https://youtu.be/Fp_56EKoZKg
Sacred sexuality – a public Introductory Talk & Practical Magic with Leanne Edwards and Matt Schwenteck in Spain Marbella 2013
society imprints, dopamine, addiction, oxytocin-the love code. https://home/mattschwenteck/domains/somaticconsent.com/public_html.youtube.com/channel/UCHnhvr6LzRSRdjMPWVuV30Q/videos trigger warning, spelling mistakes!!! sorry for the typos, the price i have to pay for being a right-brained genius www.somaticconsent.com
This video is about Tantra and DMT – Sacred Sexuality, Spirituality, Love, Oxytocin, Chanting, Touch, Yoga, Meditation, Orgasmic Kundalini. It is still a linear description of interdisciplinarity and multidimensionality, every
* why male bodies and female bodies are more similar than different * how to get outside of the boxes of conditioning of maleness * how to be a multi-orgasmic
Interview by Paal from The Wildman Program. We talk about finding the direct route of pleasure and how to develop a deep presence.
how to activate the cervix in a healthy way, this interview is about the vagus nerve connection to the uterus and how safty through agreements changes everything in sexual relating
To shift neurological stages, great self-help for co- and self-regulation from freeze to ease. Do you like more Information and guidiance? Book a free online discovery sessions with Matt —>
That is the top point of the pyramid structure of the Somatic Consent Engagement System, known as the apex; the interpersonal state of being a gift and relating with the
‘Cave of Brahma’ Mauro Zappaterra, Director of Regenerative Medicine and Clinical Research Certain traditions believe there is a ‘step-down’ process or condensation that occurs from the Source to our physical
Awaken your body’s unique capacity to feel Pleasure
With Lorenzo Stiernquist
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